Family Fun & BBQ

Join us for an evening of good food and better candidates!

We are excited to offer this opportunity to meet local candidates and learn how to get involved with their campaigns. Candidates will be invited to set up information tables and bring campaign materials to share with guests.

Civic involvement is hungry work, so don't miss the BBQ and family games out on the lawn. Bring your blanket and lawn chairs, and enjoy the food, fun, and sun.

Want to volunteer? We're looking for helping hands for set up, take down, serving food, and helping with games. If you are interested, please contact Meren Gadman at [email protected]

Keep an eye out for our online auction! If you are interested in donating items, contact Meren at the above email.


Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

$40.00 Adult

Tickets for Individuals Ages 12+

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  • Alta Magneson
    followed this page 2023-07-18 09:01:09 -0700
  • Jesika Westbrook
    published this page in Events 2023-06-12 20:32:01 -0700